
Hello! We’re a new national online magazine. We cover art and culture, food, fashion, slow living, hand made, home made, travel, people and all the neat stuff in between.

Would you like to be involved?

We’d love to hear more about your ideas, thoughts, products, skills, talents and stories.

Do you have a story to tell? Do you have some skills that you’d like to share? Do you make a great product that you’d like to show the world? Do you have an idea or a thought that you’d like to share?

Or something else that’s interesting, quirky, cute, cool, fancy, different, unusual, helpful, pretty or inspiring? It could be one of these things, it could be many. We know that covers a lot, but that’s because we’re infinitely intrigued by new people, new ideas and new things.

We’re looking for creative people to create and collaborate with. Whether you’re a writer, blogger, artist, illustrator, photographer, cinematographer, designer, stylist, musician, entrepreneur, chef, gardener, hairdresser, retailer, maker, thinker – we’d love to hear from you.

These are just some of the creatives that are already on board with LUPO. We’re sure there are many more and perhaps some we’ve not yet even heard of. We have a diverse range of projects on the go at any time and put a high value on working together and nurturing each others skills within our creative network.

We’d be delighted if you’d drop us an email using the form below with your ideas and we can catch up for a cuppa and a chat. We’d love to hear from you!

Lets work together to create an inspiring and beautiful interwebs!

Drop us a line

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